Friday, March 25, 2011

Update and Prayer Letters

Well we're up in Ohio after a great meeting at Cranberry Baptist Church in Beckley, WV.  We were so blessed and encouraged there.  We had a long drive from Tampa, FL to get there but it was well worth it.  Even with the $90 breakdown off of I-77N--it wasn't much, just a blown heater hose.  The Lord was so good to us to put us right next to an HONEST mechanic's shop and also allowed the van to break before we got up into the mountains in no-mans-land.

So we're here in Ohio until Sunday afternoon.  We got into town last night with my parents and will leave tomorrow night to have a meeting in southern Ohio, in Waverly.  We're looking forward and praying for a great meeting there as well.

After Sunday morning, we'll be going lightning fast back to Beckley, WV for an international banquet, then drive a bit south after the evening service.  Then we'll be in Alabama for a couple weeks, then have a few meetings in and around until we head back to Mexico.

Good-Lord-a-willin' we'll be back home for good in a month.  Please pray to that end and that God will send the rest of our support by then as well.

Also, our 2 most recent prayer letters are finally posted on the website.  Enjoy!