Thursday, September 22, 2011

"...habiendo huido de la corrupción que está en el mundo..."

This is a great quote from 2 Peter 1:4, albeit in Spanish.  In English, our Bible reads "...having escaped the corruption that is in the world..."  To directly, word by word translate the Spanish back into English, it would say "having run for your life from the corruption that is in the world."  Striking, isn't it?

The problem is we aren't running for our life (a great picture of escaping, no?) from the corruption of the world--we running back to the world like our lives depend on it's corruption from lust.  How sad!

The Word of God is so specific.  I love it.  I preached a  message last night called "Christians with Good Vision" out of 2 Peter 1:1-10.  I mentioned far and near sighted folks, folks with blurry vision, the cross-eyed, the blind and the blind in one eye.  I applied the truth of the Word of God that if we don't have all the spiritual traits mentioned in the passage, we're blind, we can't see very far off, and that if that is the case we need to examine our salvation.

We had such a good time in the Word of God.  The people responded well and God blessed the meeting.  What a GOOD God we serve!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Weekend Recap

We had a great, Christ-honoring weekend that started on Thursday with spending about 5 hours in the streets.  The Lord laid it on my heart to re-visit some folks that had begun coming to church with us while we were still travelling on deputation but have since quit.  We had some real good visits, but as we thought, those particular people had been choked out by the thorns of the world.  One lady said she didn't believe anymore, and that she nows believes in "la santa muerte" "holy death."  We were able to find some, though, that had moved around and are excited to start coming back.

Friday we had a cleaning day and a couple families came to help us us out.

Saturday was soul-winning again all morning, then while Erika went to a baby-shower in the afternoon with the kids I did the grocery shopping.  Also, a couple pastors from the big city came by to collect John/Romans and tracts.

Sunday was a great day as well.  We had superb attendance in both services, especially in the PM.  We had 3 first time visitor ladies with their children, and one 1 first time visitor man of 26 years.  I preached on faithfulness to church in the morning and then from Acts 8 in the PM, focusing on the question of what would it take for a person to obey the great commission--as the early church stayed in Jerusalem instead of leaving to evangelize and had to be persecuted in order to leave.  Great decisions were made by many in both services and testimonies to the same.

Today is catching up on tranquility for the family.  I left early in the morning to take a man to a hospital appointment and then for some pastoral counseling, then came back to relax with the family.

Later today a construction foreman is coming to give me a quote to build a baptistry, and other than that we're free to get some much needed rest.  Tomorrow we're going visiting in the morning, then I have a class at lunch time, then a Bible study in the evening.  Wednesday is study and church, Thursday is soul-winning in the morning and afternoon, Friday is study and preparation for Sunday, Saturday is soul-winning and visitation, and of course Sunday is the Lord's day--can't wait!