Yesterday I blogged that while we attempted great things for God all week, especially Saturday, we were expecting great things from Him on Sunday.
It worked! A man named Vicente came forward during the invitation to receive Christ and be saved. That's 2 ADULT MEN saved in less than one week! Hallelujah!
Just think--I could have run scared and hidden myself and my family because of the threats against us. "I shall not be moved" !!! We love being in the will of God.
Last night we were all so exhausted; Ashley fell asleep at 8:30, and the three of us (me, Erika, baby Charley) went to bed at 10:00. As soon as we fell asleep, the phone rang and we talked for about an hour. After the phone call, Ashley woke up. I took her to the bathroom and then she was wide awake. I went to the other side of the house quick, and upon return, I got bit by a scorpion! I quickly called Erika to get me a knife and some baking soda and water, and while she was getting that, I killed the scorpion. Erika had the stuff ready just as fast and I got a slit in the bite, squeezed out the venom, then applied the baking soda and water paste to the bite to draw out the rest of the poison. It worked well!
But then after we got back settled down, our neighbors had some huge party with no less than several hundred hell's angels (yes, they're in Mexico too). Ashley kept waking up, then Charley--so I kept Ashley with me in the living room and Erika kept Charley, so at least they wouldn't wake each other up, just the 2 of us. The party finally shut down at about 3:30am and we finally got some rest, but both of the kids still were very restless and didn't sleep well (so, nope, neither did we). The wake-up alarm was sort of a relief to the torment of trying to sleep!
How ironic, eh? After church everyone was so pumped up and excited! We had a good lunch then Ashley fell asleep right away, then Charley. So, everyone went to bed. Just after a few minutes, though, some friends from another like-minded church in the big city came to visit. No rest for the weary!
What a great day in the service of The King. We couldn't be happier or more content with what God has dealt us. Tired, yes, but secure in knowing we've done our best for The Lord.
Not too tired to blog! :)
Thanks for praying. It means so much! You make us a great team! God bless!