Friday, October 7, 2011

Gearing Up to Go Out

It's been a busy and profitable week.  We've conducted a couple home Bible studies, have one more tonight, and had good times on soul-winning/visitation.  Last night we visited a family by request of one our people and then found a little ranch about 20 minutes away from our work that is completely isolated, very poor.  I am praying God gives us the opportunity to start a mission out there very soon.

Wednesday was a good night, we had a great time around the Word of God and had great attendance.

Tomorrow will be soul-winning and visitation in the morning and evening, with studies/preparation for Sunday in between.  We're looking forward to a great service on Sunday morning--I'm praying that we'll have 10 adult men.

My wife and I were talking a bit ago about how just 3 months ago we began praying for 5 faithful men, and that now we have them plus a couple extra.  Now we are delighted to pray for 10 faithful men.  Ain't God good!?

Everyone in the church is getting excited about "el festival de la cosecha" (harvest festival) coming up on the 23rd.  They're getting excited about being there and getting excited about bringing family, friends and visitors.  They're excited about praying for 150 people to come, and that God will save souls.  What a blessing!

I had a great time in Bible study this morning with one of our faithful men.  It was refreshing to talk about the work of God and the Word of God with him, and to explain our position on things from The Bible.  He's a faithful man of the church and I look forward to using him in the ministry.  He's a teacher by trade, and obviously gifted in that area from The Lord.

Busy times--much prayers are needed.  We need to build the baptistry, organize the church, and keep going.  I need wisdom in how to lead the work--when, how, etc to do everything that needs to be accomplished.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Cooling Off...

It has been such a GREAT week!  It was much different than planned, but The Lord was in all of it.  It started with a call from a preacher friend in the big city who wanted some help with an evangelistic campaign he wanted to start.  "When do need us to come?"  "Today to get the material."  How's that for advance notice??  :)

It turned out that he needed help making the flyers and daily programs; which even though I really didn't have time to make them, I told him I would without reservation.  It only took a few hours anyway and it was worth to help him out.  As for the actual campaign, he wanted me to lead the singing and pray for the offerings, and to preach the closing service on Saturday (Thursday thru Saturday campaign).

The first night was my favorite night.  2 adults got saved!  Friday was a little less attended but was still had a good time.  Saturday we started out lower than ever, but as I began to preach Erika took Ashley out into the street to invite people.  A couple families actually listened to her and came!  One lady that came like that got saved, making 3 salvation decisions for the week!  It was great!

Wednesday at our church was great as well.  We had great attendance with several first time visitors.  Thursday before the campaign we spent several hours out soul-winning and visiting, and Friday we stayed at home before the campaign to clean, prepare and study for Sunday.  Saturday we went soul-winning and visiting as always, and made several visits to folks that haven't come in a while.  Before the campaign, we bought chicken for afterwards and then just had a great time in the campaign.

I'm honestly surprised none of us were attacked, in the campaign, especially the pastor in charge and I.  The campaign was in the open air and we kept the volume on the sound system loud enough to hear for blocks.  He preached against everything from sodomy and drunkenness to corruption in the government.  I preached against idolatry, "saints" and images.  Both of us preached very hard especially on salvation by grace through faith, not of works.

Today was an outstanding day as well.  We had 2 adult visitors (a couple) to come in the AM service, and the man got saved!  Yes, that's a total of 4 souls saved this week!  Tonight was a great time as well with several first time visitors and a great spirit.  I waxed eloquent for over an hour...but it went by least for me!

So, glory to God again!  What a tremendous opportunity we have to serve God here in Mexico.  We're proud to serve Him here and couldn't think of any other kind of life!

Tomorrow is the cooling off stage--it's family day and we look forward to catching up with each other and spending time together.