Thursday, July 15, 2010

Rolling Along

It's been a profitable couple days since my last post.  We've booked a couple meetings and made several good contacts.  Prayerfully, the contacts will become fruitful.

Yesterday, I planned on dropping in on 1 of 2 different churches, and when I called the first the pastor told me that they already had a missionary scheduled, but that I could come anyway.  I always get a bit nervous when there's another missionary around at a meeting I have scheduled, so I decided to go to the other one.  Well, when we got there (about 35 minutes away) they had cancelled the regular service to hold a VBS.  So, we stuck around for a few minutes, getting to know folks and handing out prayer cards, then decided to make a run for the 1st church (only about 15 minutes away).  We ended up having a great time meeting the fine pastor and his dear people.  It was an old country church that I've been to several times before but it had been a long time.  I was encouraged that the pastor is still keeping on and fighting the good fight.  Hopefully, we'll be able to book a meeting with him in the future.

Today, I filled out a couple questionnaires and surveys, and sent our packet out to several churches.  I spent only about 5 hours on the phone but didn't book any meetings.  Hopefully we'll reap some meetings from the phone calls and packets emailed in the next couple days when I make follow ups.

This afternoon, I had to run several errands so I took Ashley with me to "help."  Erika needed some time to study for VBS next week, so it worked out well.  Tonight, we plan on attending the Spanish church at Madison.  Tomorrow is another exciting day on the phones.  I have several "appointments" on the phone with pastors, so hopefully that will be fruitful.

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