Sunday, October 3, 2010

Coincidence? I think NOT!

We had a great day today.  We started by getting up early to re-visit a church about an hour away.  We got there and the Pastor met us out in the auditorium, obviously shaken and surprised.  Then he told us that he had just been thinking about us, as he had just read our prayer letter and had prayed for us just a few minutes earlier!  We had a great time there at Berlin Heights Baptist Church, Pastor Cotterill.  How neat!  We had a great lunch afterwards in the pastor's home and then came back to my parent's house to get a quick nap.

It WAS a quick nap--we got back up after just a few minutes to head out to re-visit another church about an hour away.  When we pulled in, I saw a familiar van and I told Erika I thought it was a friend of ours, Bro. Paul Deem.  We went inside and sure enough, they were there!  They are dear friends of ours, and they are the family that is allowing us to use their property in Mexico to start our work.  We had no idea that they were going to be there at Columbia Road Baptist Church, but we were so happy to see them.  Pastor Jenkins also formally invited us to their missions conference coming up in a few weeks, too!  What a blessing!  After church Bro. Paul, his wife, and all 3 of us Lanier's went to eat and had a great time catching up in good fellowship.

So, two "coincidental" happenings in one day.  Thank God He's in charge!

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