Friday, September 10, 2010

Baby News

So it's day # 7 and we're still hanging on!  What a great week it's been.  We've travelled about 1,100 miles with 300 more to go tomorrow.  We've been privileged to be in 4 churches.  God's been so good in taking care of us, providing for us, meeting all of our needs and just been "real."  As far as new meetings are concerned, God's seen fit to allow us to schedule several meetings this week.  I was also able to get a "housing/staying/living arrangements" plan together for our trip to Wisconsin next June.  God's so good!

Our appointment at the Pregnancy Resource Clinic here in Evansville, IN went wonderful.  We were able to get the approximate due date, May 12th 2011.  They told us everything looked good and healthy,  but we weren't able to hear the heart beat yet.  We'll have to wait at least 3 weeks for that, but we may wait longer so as to not have another ultrasound so soon.  Time will tell!  They weren't able to either confirm or deny the existence of twins, either.  Only God knows!

We finished up our meeting with Landmark Baptist Church tonight, in their annual missions conference.  We were so encouraged and blessed by the dear people of the church.  They took such good care of us and we truly enjoyed their fellowship and encouragement.  We love them and are praying their Faith Promise comes in so well that they'll be able to support us monthly.

We're still praying in that regard for about 20 churches to take us on for an average of $50 apiece.  That will put us right at 100% of our monthly goal.  God can!

So we're off to the great state of Mississippi tomorrow.  We plan on going soul winning first thing and leaving out on the 5 hour drive afterwards.  We are very excited about being in our first meeting in MS!  Their Missions Conference starts on Sunday morning and we'll be there for the duration, until Wednesday night.

And we're off again!

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