We're rejoicing that we financially qualified for a 100% reduction for our medical bill! Finally, a "normal" person gets benefits normally reserved for "everyone else." Thank you US Taxpayers! $4000.00 paid for by every US citizen's hard-earned money.
What a blessing. We really didn't mind paying some of the bill, but really prayed God would take care of all of it. So, we prayed knowing that no matter what, God would provide.
It's a good thing, too. They really didn't do anything for us--I mentioned I would write more about our experience later. So, very briefly, we didn't feel we received the care we needed. We found out all too late that here in the US, most hospitals and doctors do NOT treat a pregnancy/unborn baby as viable life. Consequently, they did nothing to save our baby. We sat for nearly 4 hours as Erika was bleeding profusely and having contractions. The head nurse and then the attending doctor told us that this was nature's way of expelling "it" and that there was nothing they could do. In reality, there was nothing that they wanted to do, because our baby was a "thing" to them that was better off ripped out with forceps. When I told them and pleaded with them that there were medicines that would help, which made Ashley possible, they informed us that they don't do that until the "thing" is a viable life, which they defined as at least 16 weeks, usually 20. So, all they did was a blood test to have a control for a beta level, removed the baby with forceps, and then did an ultrasound to make sure there wasn't another "thing" inside to remove. I found out later that they are supposed to do the ultrasound first to see if there is a heartbeat, before poking and prodding around.
We went to the hospital so they could save our baby, but they didn't do it. It was all in God's hands, though. We're so excited that we have 2 babies in Heaven and not at all angry or bitter with the hospital.
God allowed it to happen and we really are joyful about it. We know now, however, not to go to the hospital again. We've done some research about natural "stuff" we can get so we look forward to using it next time.
Praise God He provided the $$ for the bill!
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