Thursday, July 21, 2011

Escuelitas Bíblicas de Verano (VBS!!)

We had a great, Christ-honoring EBV (VBS) this week.  It was glorious and fun!  The first day we started off kind of slow, with only 14 kids, but we grew each day to a total 51 by Wednesday, July 20th (the last day).  We had a total of 12 salvation decisions, all to the GLORY of GOD!

We had several workers too that came each day.  One lady of the church even bought extra prizes for the kids, provided the snacks for one day, and brought the refreshments for the graduation on Wednesday night.  Yes, it was a huge sacrifice for her financially--may The Lord richly bless her.  Another lady came to just help with anything needed, including watching Charley for us while we were running around crazy. One other lady helped us with everything, including teaching a class to the younger class (we had 2, Erika taught the older class).

The graduation went well.  We had a demonstration of the theme song and Bible verse, an object lesson, a few songs and I preached a summary of what I preached throughout the VBS (Romans Road of Salvation).    We had great attendance and a few parents came (all claimed to be saved already, and in different churches).  Go figure.

All in all, we couldn't be happier.  The Lord miraculously saved 12 young people from hell, all to His GLORY.  Thank God the GOSPEL still works!

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